Accreta Awareness Month: Gemma’s Story

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“Hello my name is Gemma and I am a 35 year old mother of 5 .
My first pregnancy 15 years ago ended in a emergency section due to fetal destress, I fell pregnant with babies one and two really quickly so was advised to have planned sections so I did . Three c sections in 4 years then after a 6 year gap I fell pregnant again after a miscarriage at 12 weeks , my 4th birth was going to be vbac and I did go into labour on my own on the due date but this ended in a emergency section due to placenta abruption. I was told I could still have another baby if I wait at least two years . During my last pregnancy at my 35 week consultant appointment to book my section I discovered I had placenta previa this wasn’t mentioned at any scan or any midwife appointment and I was told I should of been getting fortnightly scans . I was sent straight to fetal medical care on my birthday and I was alone and a bit scared , I went into a scan room with one doctor who then left and came back with 5 others, at this point I was really as scared . I was told I had placenta accreta grade 4 my chance of death was 7 percent and chance of hysterectomy 99 percent and that I had to go home on bed rest do no activities and I would need to come in at 37 weeks unless I bled before hand . Come the day of the section me and my partner were in the surgery room plus 17 nurses/doctors/midwife’s it a felt like it was going fine and soon enough I was shown the most beautiful healthy baby boy. I didn’t feel too great and I was taken to critical care . Few hours later I felt right as rain sitting up chatting to the nurse who couldn’t believe how good I looked for ( her words ) someone who just lost three litres of blood you look amazing . Baby Christopher was born at 6.20 am and I was finally allowed to pick him up later that night . He spent quite a few hours in the incubator cot due to low blood pressure but other than that he was great . I was told I didn’t have a hysterectomy but my uterus was too thin to stitch back together and it would be best to get my tubes tied as carrying another baby and giving birth would be extremely dangerous . I had my tubes tied as I am perfectly happy with five children , I wouldn’t wish the fear of accreta on anybody and I ended up suffering from depression anxiety and PTSD, we both came out the other end safe and well by boy is now a 4 years old absolutely beautiful curly brown haired little man and he is very special .
Thanks for reading”

Thank you, Gemma, for sharing your story with us.

Please check out the National Accreta Foundation for more information.

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