Rebecca’s Family Centered Cesarean

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Rebecca shares her family centered cesarean birth story. Thank you for sharing your story for all to read!

My daughter was born via the belly hole after a whirlwind of a labor that included a late-in-the-game breech baby, a successful 41 week version, unmedicated labor and 3 hours of pushing. We saw her beautiful body through a clear drape after she was removed from my uterus and I remember the joy of screaming “my baby! My baby!” and my husband clinching my hand firmly with every ounce of love he could. They laid her on my belly before taking her to check vitals and delay cord clamping. I watched over my shoulder as my husband and Luci had their first meeting. He cried and I smiled wide as he cut her cord. They brought her to me and she found my breast for our first feed. It was not at all what I had imagined it would be but it was magical in every way. So grateful to have had a family centered cesarean. ????

Congratulations, Rebecca and family, on your newest addition! Thank you for sharing your story!

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