Vijayalakshmi’s VBAC Birth Story

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Hi everyone, I’m Vijayalakshmi Durai Selvam.

It was my second delivery at Bloom. My first delivery was a C section at my native. Without any emergency, C section was done only because I crossed the due date. Also, we were not much aware of the delivery process. 

Now for the second baby, we thought to try normal delivery. Most of our relatives and friends said that since the first delivery was c-section it is impossible for normal delivery for the second one. We were confused to visit any hospital. By that time we came to know about Bloom through one of my colleagues. She had normal delivery after C section at Bloom. But still, we doubtfully visited Bloom for the first time. We met Dr. Kavitha Gautam and she understood our concern and motivated us that there is a chance for normal delivery since I have a 5 years gap after the first baby. 

We came to know about the classes conducted for pregnancy by Happy Mom and attended all the sessions conducted by Dr. Jayashree. We got a clear idea of what delivery is and the birth options during one of the classes. Till then we never realized normal and natural were two different types of delivery. After attending the classes we got confident that natural birth is possible after C section.  

After explaining all the birth options, Dr. Jayashree asked what type of delivery we opted for. Even my husband said that since it was C section we will be happy if it is a normal delivery. But still, Dr. Jayashree gave us full confidence and told that even Natural birth is possible. During the class, Dr. Jayashree prepared us both mentally and physically.

My due was on March 22nd, but there is no pain we went to the hospital for a checkup. They did a scan and CTG. The baby weight was 3.4kgs and CTG was normal. The doctor worried about the weight of the baby. Since the previous one was a C section. Hence, she told me to wait till next day afternoon otherwise she advised to admit on 23rd. Also, there was no pain. But we want to still wait for one more day having in mind that we could do a natural birth. On the second day of lockdown, 24th morning we again went to the hospital and took a scan. The baby weighed 3.7 kgs. The doctor told us to admit immediately but we told that we will be back at night. All of a sudden from evening baby initiated the process to combat and see the lockdown world. I was admitted to the hospital at 4:00 a.m the next day, 25th April.

The kid was too patient to come out who gave only 25% of the pain. Since the movements and heart rate of the fatal was normal the doctor gave us a deadline till 1:00 p.m as we requested her. Meanwhile, we started doing exercise with the heap of Dr. Jayashree. There was a better improvement in the progress. In the evening again Dr. Kavitha visited for an internal checkup and gave us time constraint till midnight. 

As advised by Dr. Jayashree we continued doing the suggested exercise and hard water bathing. In the meantime, the heartbeat of the fatal was monitored for every 15 minutes to make sure that the baby is safe. 

By 10 PM I got an immense pain and we thought that the time came to welcome the baby to the world, Yes I was taken to the labour room around 10:30 PM. Everyone expected that the baby will come within 2 hours since my sack broke around 10:45 PM. But the naughty kid made the process very slowly. I met Dr.Ramya for the first time that too in the labour room. She motivated and supported me until the end of delivery. Special thanks to you mam.  

Finally, the master decided to step-in to the word and came out at 4 am. With loads of joyful tears, we welcomed him. 

We would like to wholeheartedly thank Dr. Jayashree who was with us from the beginning till the end of delivery. Dr. Ramya for extending her full support during the labour. Dr. Kavitha for visiting us often, even at midnight, for respecting our decision, for giving us enough time for the natural birth and for monitoring the fatal’s condition till the end. All these happened during the lockdown is the unimaginable thing. 

I’m proud now to be an example of VBAC. It happened only because of the hope we had along with the coordination between the doctors, who had built a wonderful team. I still remember the positive words from the nurses, especially from sister Suganya. I am very thankful for my entire life to Dr.Jaishree and my hubby. Without their motivation and encouragement, this natural birth would have become only a dream to me after C section.

Congratulations, Vijayalakshmi, and thank you for sharing your story with us!

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