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Cesarean Awareness Month 2021

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEApril 1, 2021 In 1982, Liz Handler and Esther Zorn dreamt of an organization that would spread awareness and education surrounding cesareans. Because of their efforts, and the efforts of all that have come before and after them, we have seen a cultural shift among consumers. Families are now taking more control of […]

CBAC Awareness Month – Anna’s CBAC Birth Story

After my traumatic first birth which resulted in cesarean, I was determined to have a VBAC. The providers in my area were more VBAC “tolerant” than “supportive”, so I landed on having my VBAC at home with a midwife. I did endless research and felt confident in our birth plan. My waters ruptured at 39 […]

CBAC Awareness Month – Katelyn’s CBAC Birth Story

I planned to deliver VBAC, but this is my CBAC story. I went in for my 38 week appointment and my blood pressure was high (a sign of pre-eclampsia). The nurse advised I go straight to L&D just to be sure. I was monitored for hours with not much change and finally admitted and expected […]