CBAC Awareness Month – Anna’s CBAC Birth Story

Home » Birth Story » CBAC Awareness Month – Anna’s CBAC Birth Story

After my traumatic first birth which resulted in cesarean, I was determined to have a VBAC. The providers in my area were more VBAC “tolerant” than “supportive”, so I landed on having my VBAC at home with a midwife. I did endless research and felt confident in our birth plan.

My waters ruptured at 39 weeks and contractions started 12 hours later. My contractions came on hard and back to back, endlessly for another 15 hours. I had not progressed at all during that time and decided it was time for us to transfer to hospital. Some nurses were super supportive while others were a little more judgmental.

After an epidural, the on-call OBGYN came in and “told me” we were doing a cesarean despite me and baby doing great. I told her no, as long as we were doing well, I’d be the one to decide if we wanted to proceed with cesarean. I was required to sign a refuse to consent form and she made it clear she did not agree with my decision. Six hours later I still had not progressed at all and decided myself that I was ready for the cesarean.

Although the birth was not at all how I’d planned, I was informed and empowered and I called the shots. Overall it was a positive experience and my sweet baby boy joined our family!

Thank you for sharing your story with us, Anna!

Share your story with ICAN to be featured on our Instagram and Facebook! All cesarean and birth-after-cesarean stories are welcome: the difficult, the triumphant, the still-processing, and the stories which haven’t yet been shared. Sharing your birth story can be freeing, healing and profoundly powerful. It can bring others hope, comfort, and reassurance that they are not alone on their birth journey.

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