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Chapter Leader Spotlight: Diana Snyder

“I am most excited about supporting women who are crushed by their cesarean experience, whether primary or CBAC. These women are often not well supported. Having been there, I know how it feels.” – Diana Snyder, ICAN of Eastern Massachusetts Please share a little about yourself. I am a lawyer and also a doula. I […]

Chapter Leader Spotlight: Elizabeth Posey

Please share a little about yourself. I’m from Arizona, and my husband and I have been married for seven years. We’ve been blessed with three boys with whom I stay home. I also run a sewing and alterations business for over ten years. We love hiking and exploring the natural and historical beauty in our […]

Chapter Leader Spotlight: Erin Murray Foley

“I wish that people in my area had greater awareness of ICAN’s mission of support, education, and advocacy, as well as the fact that VBAC is actually an option for them.” – Erin Murray Foley, ICAN of Putnam County, Tennessee Please share a little about yourself. I grew up in Upstate New York, and have […]

Meet the Leadership: Renee Yarrington

Chapter Leader Spotlight: Renee Yarrington, ICAN of Delaware Please tell us a little about yourself. I am a mother to one spunky, free-spirited birth junkie in training and wife to an amazingly supportive husband. I am a birth and postpartum doula and Certified Lactation Counselor. I also run the cloth diaper bank for Delmarva. My […]

Meet the Leadership: Rachel Bruns

Chapter Leader Spotlight: Rachel Bruns – ICAN of Central Iowa Please share a bit about yourself. The consistent thread in my life whether personal or professional is service. I work for America’s Service Commissions, supporting the network of state service commissions, which administer AmeriCorps and promote volunteering in their states. Outside of work I am […]

Meet the Leadership: Beth LaRose

Chapter Leader Spotlight: Beth LaRose – ICAN of Springfield, MO Please share a little about yourself. I’m a stay at home mama to three little boys. I’m an avid reader and love to crochet and craft when I’m not chasing my wild little boys down! How did you find out about ICAN? An ICAN member […]

Meet the Leadership: Ashley Stetson

Chapter Leader Spotlight: Ashley Stetson, ICAN of San Diego What drew you to ICAN? I joined after my triplets were born via emergency cesarean and became more active after I became a birth worker. I am passionate about ICAN’s mission to save moms and babies and I believe how we are born impacts our entire […]

Meet the Leadership: Amy Schrader

Chapter Leader Spotlight: Amy Schrader, ICAN of Manhattan How did you find out about ICAN? My friend saw a posting of about the chapter looking for a Co-Leader and she told me about it. I thought it sounded like a great project and as a Certified Birth Educator (CBE), I thought it was right up […]

Meet the Leadership: Lydia Vance

Chapter Leader Spotlight: Lydia Vance, ICAN of Upstate SC How did you find out about ICAN? My friend Dana told me about ICAN. I was drawn to be involved based on my own cesarean experiences. I wanted to be able to support other moms who will go through similar journeys. What do you wish more […]

Meet the Leadership: Robin Wilson

Chapter Leader Spotlight: Robin Wilson, ICAN of Northern Virginia How did you find out about ICAN? My doula literally dragged me to my first meeting! I kept coming because it was the first place I saw hope since having my cesarean. What part of being an ICAN Chapter Leader are you most excited about and […]

Meet the Leadership: Veronica Ramos

What drew you to ICAN? I had a cesarean section myself, and I went to a meeting to help me process my experience. What part of being an ICAN Chapter Leader are you most excited about and why? I am excited to help the chapter leader by being a co-leader and support her in anything […]

NOVA Chapters of ICAN and Hope for Accreta Hold Blood Drives

Most people have heard of a cesarean birth but few have ever heard of the life-threatening pregnancy complication called Placenta Accreta that is a potential risk of future cesarean births. The Northern Virginia chapters of ICAN and Hope for Accreta Foundation are hosting two blood drive events to help save the lives of these mothers. Both organizations are coming together to […]