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2018 Cesarean Awareness Month T-Shirt Design Contest!

During Cesarean Awareness Month in April every year, we sell a t-shirt to bring in funds for our mission and to spread awareness through people wearing these t-shirts far and wide. This year we’ll be choosing our CAM shirt design from submissions from people like you! Beginning now, we will accept submissions of t-shirt designs […]

Of Evolution, Culture, and the Obstetrical Dilemma

This story originally appeared at Undark Magazine. By Josie Glausiusz, November 29, 2017 HARVEY KARP, THE BESTSELLING author of the “The Happiest Baby on the Block,” has some advice on his website for frazzled new parents: “Remember — your baby’s brain was so big that you had to ‘evict’ her after 9 months, even though she was still […]

Ding! Ding! The Turkey is Done But is the Baby?

Being pregnant during the holiday season brings a unique component to the time of year that many find full of joyful stress. If your due date falls between early November and early January, that stress can be amped up even further. Will your water break as you pull the turkey from the oven? Will you […]

Top 11 Ways to Decrease Your Risk for a Cesarean

Guest post by Dr. Poppy Daniels, OB/GYN Choose a provider/facility with a low cesarean rate – Midwives have lower cesarean rates: the Midwives Model of Care has a more holistic approach to prenatal care, familiarity and patience with longer labors, and the fact that midwives are not surgeons. Many OBs & hospitals have lower than […]

ICAN Addresses ACOG Practice Bulletin 184: Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Delivery

We, the International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN), would like to address the recent publication of Practice Bulletin 184 from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), titled: “Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Delivery”. ICAN is a non-profit organization whose mission is to improve maternal-child health by reducing preventable cesareans through education, supporting cesarean recovery, and […]

ICAN Accreta Awareness Month – Closing Our 2017 Campaign!

As October ends, we would like to thank everyone who supported ICAN Accreta Awareness Month! The more our information was shared, the more mothers spoke out about how they and their families were affected by accreta. Conversations about placenta accreta, especially those including loss, can be very difficult. Though fear and anxiety make these discussions […]

ICAN Accreta Awareness Month – Placenta Previa and Prior Cesarean

By The Well-Rounded Mama, May 27, 2013 A cesarean section is surgery, and thus entails the usual immediate risks associated with surgery, including infection, hemorrhage, anesthesia problems, blood clots, and accidental damage to surrounding tissues.  These alone are substantial enough to warrant concern with the current high cesarean rate. However, what many people don’t realize is […]

ICAN Accreta Awareness Month – Diagnosis, Treatment, and a Cautionary Story

By The Well-Rounded Mama, September 29, 2013 Placenta Accreta, Part Four: Diagnosis, Treatment and a Cautionary Story Read the full article here. Summary: Placenta Accreta is a rare but very serious complication that is associated with prior uterine instrumentation procedures. Although it can occur after a number of different procedures, it is most strongly associated with […]

ICAN Accreta Awareness Month – A Comparison of Risk: VBAC & Repeat Cesarean

When women with a prior cesarean are discussing the possibility of VBAC with their provider, uterine rupture takes center stage. Uterine rupture is a real but rare complication that is increased when women attempt a vaginal birth after a cesarean. When discussing the possibility of repeat cesarean, placenta previa and accreta are far less likely […]

ICAN Accreta Awareness Month – Risks to Mother and Baby

By The Well-Rounded Mama, September 13, 2013 Placenta Accreta, Part Three: Risks to Mother and Baby Read the full article here. Summary: Accretas may be mild or severe, but all involve a very significant risk for complications. Blood loss is the most common and serious risk of accretas.  Secondary to the blood loss, other complications […]