Family Centered Cesarean

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Bonni’s Family Centered Cesarean Birth Story

Share your story with ICAN to be featured on our Instagram and Facebook! All cesarean and birth-after-cesarean stories are welcome: the difficult, the triumphant, the still-processing, and the stories which haven’t yet been shared. Sharing your birth story can be freeing, healing and profoundly powerful. It can bring others hope, comfort, and reassurance that they […]

Sara’s Cesarean Birth Story

Share your story with ICAN to be featured on our Instagram and Facebook! All cesarean and birth-after-cesarean stories are welcome: the difficult, the triumphant, the still-processing, and the stories which haven’t yet been shared. Sharing your birth story can be freeing, healing and profoundly powerful. It can bring others hope, comfort, and reassurance that they […]

Rebecca’s Family Centered Cesarean

Share your story with ICAN to be featured on our Instagram and Facebook! All cesarean and birth-after-cesarean stories are welcome: the difficult, the triumphant, the still-processing, and the stories which haven’t yet been shared. Sharing your birth story can be freeing, healing and profoundly powerful. It can bring others hope, comfort, and reassurance that they […]

A Dr. George Birth Story: Patience with a rocky pregnancy

Dr. George was my OB/Gyn for my second pregnancy. My first one end up with unnecessary C-section due to my lack of knowledge and too much trust in doctors. My second pregnancy was pretty “rocky”. I started bleeding at 6 weeks and experienced a couple of severe bleeding episodes at 12 and 16 weeks of […]

A Dr. George Birth Story: The Birth of Chloe

I was a mother of four boys. My three oldest were born naturally but after my third I received a hard diagnosis. I was diagnosed with Intercranial Hypertension, a rear brain disease with no cure and honestly not much treatment at the moment. I had my first brain surgery in 2010 to place a vp shunt and that is when my dream of having any more natural births vanished. […]

The Birth of Baby B

By Melissa Debach This birth story is a reprint from the Spring 2015 edition of The Clarion, the official publication of ICAN. Become a member today to support ICAN and to subscribe! Photos courtesy of Erin Monroe Photography.   After the birth of my daughter ended in an unnecessary cesarean, I was determined that my second […]