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Why I Came to ICAN – A Chapter Leader’s Story

Why I Came to ICAN – A Chapter Leader’s Story Tamoyia Ragsdale, ICAN of Bowie Two years ago, while pregnant with my third baby, I had a cesarean due to complete placenta previa, followed by an emergency hysterectomy due to severe hemorrhaging. Most of my days following felt heavy and dark. My therapist suggested that […]

CBAC Guest Post: Physical Recovery After CBAC

During February 2018, birth stories and articles featured on ICAN’s blog will be focused on CBACs – Cesarean Birth After a Cesarean. It is a term used to describe a birth that was planned as a VBAC, Vaginal Birth After a Cesarean, but instead resulted in another cesarean. Physical Recovery After CBAC By Pamela Vireday […]

CBAC Guest Post: Cesarean Birth After Cesarean, 18 Years Later

During February 2018, birth stories and articles featured on ICAN’s blog will be focused on CBACs – Cesarean Birth After a Cesarean. It is a term used to describe a birth that was planned as a VBAC, Vaginal Birth After a Cesarean, but instead resulted in another cesarean. Cesarean Birth After Cesarean, 18 Years Later […]

ICAN Book Club: How To Heal a Bad Birth – Melissa Bruijn and Debby Gould

Every second Wednesday, our blog features a book review as part of our Book Club series! Check here to discover the latest books on topics such as pregnancy, labor, postpartum, and recovery from birth. If you have read the featured book or if you just finished a new and exciting book, please feel free to […]

ICAN Accreta Awareness Month – Closing Our 2017 Campaign!

As October ends, we would like to thank everyone who supported ICAN Accreta Awareness Month! The more our information was shared, the more mothers spoke out about how they and their families were affected by accreta. Conversations about placenta accreta, especially those including loss, can be very difficult. Though fear and anxiety make these discussions […]

ICAN Accreta Awareness Month – Connecting with Social Media

One of the ways ICAN honors every woman and family that has experienced a form of placenta accreta is by holding space for them in ICAN’s Accreta Awareness Facebook group. Considered as sacred as an ICAN meeting, this group is a safe place of confidentiality for those facing a diagnosis of accreta, percreta, increta, and previa and the wide range […]

Do I Need to Avoid Negative Birth Stories When I’m Planning a Positive Birth?

By, August 20, 2017 Should we shut down negative or traumatic stories about birth? Or do we risk silencing women whose voice desperately needs to be heard? And are we missing an opportunity to clarify our own needs in preparation for a positive birth in the process? Why negative birth stories are important We […]

Traumatic Birth Recovery

“The axe forgets but the tree remembers.” ~ African Proverb   What is a Traumatic Birth? To many, it is a birth that leads to a diagnosable postpartum mood disorder such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Postpartum Depression (PPD), and/or Postpartum Anxiety (PPA). There are also many other possibilities for how a stressful birth […]

Who Sees Me?

It’s been six weeks since you gave birth to your first precious baby. You finally feel strong enough to leave the house with just the diaper bag, car seat, stroller, and baby wrap. Today is a “play date” with your birth education class. You are excited to show off your newborn but you are also […]