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Chapter Leader Spotlight: Diana Snyder

“I am most excited about supporting women who are crushed by their cesarean experience, whether primary or CBAC. These women are often not well supported. Having been there, I know how it feels.” – Diana Snyder, ICAN of Eastern Massachusetts Please share a little about yourself. I am a lawyer and also a doula. I […]

Chapter Leader Spotlight: Elizabeth Posey

Please share a little about yourself. I’m from Arizona, and my husband and I have been married for seven years. We’ve been blessed with three boys with whom I stay home. I also run a sewing and alterations business for over ten years. We love hiking and exploring the natural and historical beauty in our […]

Chapter Leader Spotlight: Erin Murray Foley

“I wish that people in my area had greater awareness of ICAN’s mission of support, education, and advocacy, as well as the fact that VBAC is actually an option for them.” – Erin Murray Foley, ICAN of Putnam County, Tennessee Please share a little about yourself. I grew up in Upstate New York, and have […]

ICAN’s January Volunteer of the Month

ICAN is excited to announce Elli Mazeres as our January Volunteer of the Month! Elli is a member of ICAN of the Capital District. How long have you been an ICAN member and how did you find us? A bit over 1.5 years. I found ICAN through an internet search. What motivates you as a […]

Karen Troy is ICAN’s August Volunteer of the Month!

ICAN is excited to announce Karen Troy as our August Volunteer of the Month! How long have you been an ICAN member? I have been an ICAN member since 2006. How did you first find ICAN? I started planning my VBAC the day that I scheduled my cesarean section with my son, who was breech. […]

ICAN’s July Volunteer of the Month

Dea Revania is ICAN’s July Volunteer of the Month! Dea is the Chapter Leader of ICAN of Indonesia. How did you find out about ICAN? I found out about ICAN through a Childbirth Educator workshop. They said if you need info about VBAC, you can visit the ICAN website. What motivates you as a volunteer? […]

ICAN’s June Volunteer of the Month

Rebecca Shelton is ICAN’s June Volunteer of the Month!  Rebecca is a Chapter Leader for ICAN of the Midlands.  How did you first find ICAN? The chapter leader, Kristyn, asked if I’d be interested in co-leading the chapter with her. She was instrumental in my success with nursing after my initial cesarean, and I was […]

ICAN’s May Volunteer of the Month!

ICAN’s May Volunteer of the Month is Jennifer Whitman! Jennifer is the Chapter Leader of ICAN of Ottawa.  How long have you been an ICAN member? I have been an ICAN member for 2 years and I have been attending ICAN meetings for 4.5 years. How did you first find ICAN? After my first was […]

Volunteer of the Month: April Henry, March 2018

The International Cesarean Awareness Network is powered by the selfless efforts of our numerous volunteers. We cannot thank our dedicated volunteers enough for their cooperation and service in assisting ICAN with accomplishing its mission. In an effort to acknowledge some of our amazing volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes to offer support, education, and […]

Volunteer of the Month: Bronwyn Fackrell, February 2018

The International Cesarean Awareness Network is powered by the selfless efforts of our numerous volunteers. We cannot thank our dedicated volunteers enough for their cooperation and service in assisting ICAN with accomplishing its mission. In an effort to acknowledge some of our amazing volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes to offer support, education, and […]

Volunteer of the Month: Leiko Hidaka, January 2018

The International Cesarean Awareness Network is powered by the selfless efforts of our numerous volunteers. We cannot thank our dedicated volunteers enough for their cooperation and service in assisting ICAN with accomplishing its mission. In an effort to acknowledge some of our amazing volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes to offer support, education, and […]

Volunteer of the Month: Vicki DiIoia, December 2017

The International Cesarean Awareness Network is powered by the selfless efforts of our numerous volunteers. We cannot thank our dedicated volunteers enough for their cooperation and service in assisting ICAN with accomplishing its mission. In an effort to acknowledge some of our amazing volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes to offer support, education, and […]