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After a difficult birth, parents must often cope with the physical and/or emotional scars left behind. Many parents are surprised to find out how stressful planning another pregnancy can also be! ICAN is here to listen and support you on your journey, by offering peer-to-peer support.

Moms may face physical pain, emotional distress, regret, relief, fear, or any number of other challenges. Families planning to breastfeed may struggle with delayed supply and other issues post-operatively.  Partners, family, or friends may not know how to help.

It’s ok. We understand. We’re here to listen to you, and support your emotional needs. We are a group of people who have been affected by cesarean birth in some way. Many of us have experienced one or more cesareans.

We provide a safe environment where you can speak openly about your cesarean experience, or just listen and know you are among others who understand.

If you’re planning for another birth, we can provide emotional support and general education as you prepare for a VBAC or repeat cesarean.

It’s ok to be where you are at right now.
We’ve been there, and we’re here for you.

Network of local chapters – worldwide!

  1. Find a chapter near you
  2. Attend a support group meeting in person!

Online support options

  1. Support Webinars for ICAN Members
  2. ICAN Facebook Page
  3. ICAN Facebook Group
  4. Many local hapters offer online support via their Facebook group/page!
  5. Professional Members – ICAN’s Professional Member Network is intended as an informational resource for consumers.  ICAN is not a credentialing agency or a regulatory body. As such, ICAN does not have a formal partnership with the professionals listed.  It is up to you to determine if they are a good fit for your birth and/or support needs. An ICAN professional membership should not be interpreted as an endorsement of services provided. Asking questions, obtaining local references and understanding that you are responsible for your own choices is essential and is your responsibility.
  6. White Papers –  ICAN’s White Papers offer a variety of birth related information and resources. The goal is to promote informed consent. ICAN’s White Papers are free to download and distribute while retaining ICAN’s copyright.


The views and opinions expressed in this article are that of the author, and should not be substituted for independent professional healthcare advice. The content is not intended to establish a standard of care to be followed by the reader, and is for general informational purposes only. You should always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health practitioner with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health. ICAN is a peer-to-peer support group, and does not provide medical services or advice.

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