Volunteer Positions

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International Cesarean Awareness Network

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Volunteering For Change!

Years of Volunteer Education, Support, and Advocacy
0 +
Executive Volunteer Roles / Committee Seats

Maybe You Have Way With Words.

a Passion for Inclusivity, Equity, and diverse representations

Enjoy Reading?

Accounting skills

Innovating for Success up your alley?

Benefits of Volunteering with ICAN

Gain valuable work experience that can be added to your resume, while supporting a non-profit maternal health organization! The ICAN Board of Directors can and does provide employment references and letters of recommendation for collegiate or other educational programs for volunteers that use their ICAN experience on resumes and applications.


What our amazing volunteers think

The International Cesarean Awareness Network began in 1982. It was conceived from two friends supporting one another in navigating their birthing preferences and the challenges they faced in accessing respectful care. When these friends realized how powerful this specific niche of peer-to-peer support, education, and advocacy could be Esther Zorn and Elizabeth Handler wanted to share it with the world. They volunteered their time around kitchen tables, before the internet, hand-drawing logos, pasting Clarions together for print, and being available to listen while their little ones danced in the room next to them. They volunteered their talents, time, money, and energy simply because they knew how much it mattered. It would be impossible to measure the impact these choices have had, or what would be missing if they’d made a different choice. Help us continue a legacy of choosing to give to a cause that is still very much needed today, 40 years later. Bring your unique perspectives, skills, lived experiences, and passions.

Volunteering is a (quotes)

Food & Drinks

Free Training and Certification

We provide a self-paced module-based classroom during onboarding. After receiving your ICAN Leadership Certificate you will gain access to private online Leadership spaces with peer leaders and Executives where questions and collaboration are always welcome. In addition, there will be tools and tech solutions available to non-profits that will supercharge all of the good you can do!


Never miss a thing

Semper feugiat nibh sed pulvinar proin gravida. Non quam lacus suspendisse faucibus interdum. Tellus molestie nunc non blandit massa enim nec.

Gain valuable work experience that can be added to your resume, while supporting a non-profit maternal health organization! The ICAN Board of Directors can and does provide employment references and letters of recommendation for collegiate or other educational programs for volunteers that use their ICAN experience on resumes and applications.

Available Positions:

  • Board Member – Board of Directors
    • Participation in minimum of quarterly Board meetings, including one in-person meeting (expenses covered by ICAN)
    • Participate in the planning and advancement of the organization, which includes participating in official votes
    • Maintain regular communication with the ICAN Board and Executive team
    • Serve as an ambassador of ICAN
    • And other duties as assigned
    • **We’ve set a primary goal as an organization to better diversify. We are actively seeking board members of color to ensure that the voices of those most likely to receive biased care are represented within our organization.
    • Apply here: https://airtable.com/shrNTNTvVpiGMjsZU
  • Director of Community Engagement
    • Build and manage the organization’s digital presence via social media outlets
    • Stay current with social media trends and tools
    • Drive social media initiatives and content across ICAN’s social channels
    • Network and collaborate on ideas and concepts for creative content to leverage across ICAN’s social media outlets
    • Post regularly on all social accounts. This can include graphics, links to news articles, blog posts, birth stories, etc.
    • Respond to correspondence directed to ICAN’s social media accounts.
    • Apply here: https://airtable.com/shr2E2oFrjYuF0SYs
  • Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee Members
    • Engage in an on-going examination of ICAN’s internal and external practices
    • Contribute to continuing cultural awareness and bias education for Chapter Leaders
    • Promote our fund for Chapter Leaders of Color
    • Raise awareness of the bias in the maternity system faced by WOC, the differently-abled, LGBTQ, the poor, the women of size, teen moms, etc
    • Create access to information and training to non-English speakers
    • Review our material including its sources and resources for inclusiveness
    • Apply here: https://airtable.com/shrJu4EHmeBhKvbiW
  • Assistant Treasurer
    • Be capable of using or learning Quick books, Google Sheets, Airtable and other database management software
    • Issue reimbursements to chapter leaders via PayPal
    • Create fundraising campaign pages for chapter leaders
      -The leaders will maintain the page after creation
    • Attend one in-person board meeting to receive training on financials
    • Communicate with state registration company to determine status
    • Communicate with the accountant to file taxes
    • Assess donations and disperse funds according to ICAN donation and membership policies.
    • Update chapter financial logs monthly to reflect donations and membership proceeds.
    • Secure donation items for giveaways on a continual basis (giving Tuesday).
    • Complete yearly internal audits to confirm all current programs are the best priced option available to ICAN.
    • Consider ways to gain sponsorship of ICAN in general or specific ICAN events (i.e. leadership training retreats); make sure sponsors receive the agreed-upon recognition, etc. per the terms of their sponsorship agreement. Ex: donation receipt
    • Provide monthly reports to the Board regarding fundraising status
    • Develop strategies to improve ICAN’s fundraising abilities
    • Training is provided!
    • Apply here: https://airtable.com/shrb5WnyLdQOfss5T
  • Director of Professional Memberships
    • Experience with or willingness to learn Canva, Airtable, WordPress, and Google drive
    • Maintain the professional members’ directory including contact info and logo/headshot
    • Promote and encourage professional membership
    • Training is provided!
    • Apply here: https://airtable.com/shrPtQlH7oibjQ4et
  • Director of Executive Volunteers
  • Executive volunteer not the right fit? Consider joining or opening a chapter! https://www.ican-online.org/starting-a-chapter/

If you would like to volunteer your time and talents to ICAN, please fill out an application for the position that best fits your interests, or contact ICAN’s Board of Directors, for more information on how you can help!

Email: board@ican-online.org

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40 Years of Service

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