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Hear A Portion Of Our Webinar From ICAN’s 2016 Conference Speaker Hermine Hayes-Klein

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Ican is pleased to provide some of our previous webinars as a benefit of membership. Webinars are available only to paid, current members of ican. For more information about becoming a member, visit the join page.

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Evidence on Breech Birth

presented by Dr. Rixa Freeze and Dr. David Hayes, Breech Without Borders

Acupuncture: A Guide to Integrating Into VBAC and Postpartum Healthcare

presented by Dr. Kelly Boyle

VBA3C and Finding a Provider

presented by Brittany Meriwether Williamson, Chapter Leader, ICAN of Lynchburg, VA

Birth Rights

Interview with Indra Wood Lusero of Birth Rights Bar Association, Elephant Circle, and National Advocates for Pregnant Women.

Dr. Mark B. Landon on VBAC

Archived ICAN Conference Presentation

Bodywork for Birth

the C-Section Recovery Center

Who’s in Charge Here? Rights and Protections During Childbirth

-Farah Diaz-Tello, Staff Attorney at NAPW
Birth Stories: Sharing and Listening
Pam England

In this webinar, you will learn how to tell and listen to a birth story in a whole new way.

Becoming a mother is one of the most powerful and profound events of your life, and, no matter the outcome, it can be infused with negative feelings. In our culture, especially in the case of a cesarean, “healthy mother, healthy baby” may be considered the only thing of value. Yet what happened to you—physically and emotionally—matters.

In this special webinar, Pam England (author and founder of Birthing From Within) shares her vision for healing, learning, and hope after an unwanted, unexpected cesarean. Birthing From Within’s mission to prevent and heal emotional birth trauma was born from Pam’s own experience as a home birth midwife deeply traumatized by her cesarean. Birth Story Medicine® is based on what Pam has learned over decades of listening to and helping cesarean mothers.

Come learn interesting new research about what makes narrative storytelling either healing or re-traumatizing. Experience a unique process that brings you insight and restores wholeness. It is never too soon, nor too late, to find new meaning in your birth story; you will leave this webinar feeling heard and uplifted.

Pam England is the author of the groundbreaking childbirth book, Birthing From Within (1998) and lives, works, writes, and paints in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Pam received her nurse-midwifery education from the Frontier School of Family Nursing and Midwifery in Kentucky, and was certified by the American College of Nurse Midwifery (1979). She practiced midwifery for 16 years in hospital, birth center, and home birth settings. After her own two very different experiences of giving birth to her sons, Pam earned a Masters in psychology-counseling with an emphasis on birth-related psychology from Antioch University (1986).

The overwhelming positive response to Birthing From Within led to international demand for Pam’s teaching and the development of Childbirth Mentor and Doula trainings and certification programs, still going strong 15 years later. Birthing From Within now also trains birth professionals and educators in Birth Story Medicine,® a unique and potent model for helping mothers heal from emotional birth trauma. Pam’s most recent book is Labyrinth of Birth (2010), and she is currently working on several others. Find out more about Pam’s work and the Birthing From Within approach and programs at: www.BirthingFromWithin.com.

14 Tips to Reduce Your Chance of Cesarean
Cori Gentry

This webinar, hosted by Cori Gentry, BBCI, offers helpful suggestions on ways in which birthing mothers can reduce their chances of a preventable cesarean. Through the stories of her mother and family members, Cori grew up believing that natural birth was normal and medicated births were the rare exceptions. After college, she became a childcare provider in 2005 and was surprised by how common cesareans and epidurals were among her clients. After discovering that there were no comprehensive natural childbirth classes in her area, Cori and her husband relied on self study and quickly realized how hard it was to experience a normal birth in our medical system without real life support and a modern approach to childbirth education. She was committed to filling this void in her community and in 2012, Cori certified as a Birth Boot Camp natural childbirth educator. Cori offers 10 week contemporary, accessible natural childbirth classes in Salinas and Carmel, California. Cori and her husband have 3 boys together and are expecting their 4th child in December. Each of Cori’s three births have been very different: she’s birthed at 41, 38, and over 42 weeks, with both obstetricians and midwives, medicated and natural, and her boys have weighed 10, 8, and over 11 pounds, all born vaginally. Her births have fueled her passion for advocacy and evidence based maternity care. She is active in her local ICAN chapter and Birth Network. Cori blogs about birth, birth work, and access to evidence based maternity care at www.corigentry.com.

The VBAC Option with Desirre Andrews, CPM, RM, CCCE, LCCE
Desirre Andrews

Presented as an educational class, Desirre Andrews discusses the nuances of VBAC as a birth option. A former president of ICAN, Desirre Andrews is a certified professional midwife registered to practice in the state of Colorado. She is also a childbirth educator and continues to be an advocate for healthy and safe perinatal practices. She is a 2VBA2C mother of four sons. Her website is www.prepforbirth.com.

CBAC and Repeat Cesarean: The Myth of Choice
Kelly Fischer

There are lots of opinions and assumptions when it comes to having a cesarean. Many moms who’ve had a cesarean know first hand about the struggles of dealing with these assumptions and opinions, including lack of emotional support from friends and family, and difficulties finding a supportive care provider, just to name a few . Thanks to educational and advocacy efforts, some important progress has been made in helping parents and birth professionals expand their views – and thanks to the internet, it’s getting easier to find information and support!

But what happens when a mom has another cesarean? Suddenly there’s a whole new set of assumptions and opinions – among parents, birth professionals and friends. What if you worked really hard to avoid another cesarean, but it happened anyhow? What if you “chose” a repeat cesarean? What if you “didn’t have a choice” at all? The topic of CBAC is rarely discussed, yet more than 90% of moms in the U.S. with a prior cesarean have another cesarean, so it’s clearly a topic that deserves attention.

For this presentation, Kelly Fischer created a survey with over 40 questions and asked moms to talk about their experiences of having another cesarean (whether by incidence, or by “choice”). Through hearing the stories from these women, you will gain a better understanding of the wide range of experiences that are possible, as well as some of their common themes. Topics include: The Alphabet Soup of Birth after Cesarean Acronyms, The Myth of Choice, How We Label Having Another Cesarean, What About Family-Centered Cesarean?, Feeling In or Out of Control When Having Another Cesarean, Does Family-Centered Cesarean Count as VBAC Support?, and Sharing Our Stories is One of the Best Ways to Build a Culture of Empathy and Create Change!

Kelly Fischer is a cesarean and VBAC mom. She started ICAN of Northeast Iowa in February 2010, when her VBAC baby was 2 months old, so that other families would not have to go through what she did without support. In the 4 years since it was founded, ICAN of Northeast Iowa has grown to be one of ICAN’s largest and most active chapters, regularly hosting special events including movie premieres, guest speakers, and educational events. Her continuing education has included Pam England’s Birth Story Listening telecourse, Birthing Racial Justice (a training with Susan Raffo and Heather Hackman about racism in birth work), and Postpartum Support International’s certificate training in Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders. Fischer recently became ICAN’s Midwest Regional Coordinator, and is honored to offer support for the Midwest ICAN chapters. She is also a Birthing From Within Mentor and offers postpartum classes to help with healing after a difficult birth.

Chiropractic Strategies For Healthy Pregnancy and Birth
Dr. Elliot Berlin

Dr. Elliot Berlin of Berlin Wellness Clinic leads this educational webinar on how chiropractic care can impact your pregnancy and birth. Nearly 15 years ago Dr. Elliot Berlin, DC discovered a connection between certain types of back pain and infertility. After several years of research and analysis he traced the nervous system to the source of the common cause of both ailments and developed a course of treatment to overcome them. The success of his alternative infertility program led to the need for a comprehensive prenatal and postpartum wellness care program. Dr. Berlin has become so specialized in prenatal wellness care that nearly 90% of his patients are now pre or postnatal. His innovative techniques help thousands of women enjoy comfortable and functional pregnancy, labor and delivery and postpartum experiences. Through his informed pregnancy project he publishes an informative pregnancy magazine and podcast and will be completing two documentaries in the Fall of 2014. Dr. Berlin practices in Los Angeles with his wife, birth psychologist Dr. Alyssa Berlin. They are both birth doulas and home-school their four young children.

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