Political Action: How to Contact Your Elected Officials

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There are several ways to contact elected officials. Most seem to prefer electronic means of contact and have websites with user friendly contact forms. FAX is also a recommended way of contact. However, you can mail a letter, though it will take a significantly longer time for that letter to reach the addressee. Phone calls may also be an option.

Listed below are the names of Representative and Senators who sit on committees related to Health care issues. The address, phone and FAX number and web-based contact information are provided for you. We have also provided an example “template” letter for you to use, and adapt for your use, if you wish.

It is also very important to contact your own House Representative and Senator, even if they are not directly involved with Health Care issues. We have provided a link for you to easily look up who your representative is, with a template letter appropriate for use. Again, most seem to prefer electronic communication so we do encourage you to use the contact forms or FAX provided.

You can look here for state specific data on banning hospitals, to assist you in customizing your letters. Click here to find contact information for your state elected officials. You can search by zip code to find contact information for your state elected officials. The blank example letter can be adapted for use on the state level as well.

You can find detailed and complete contact information for your U.S. Senator using the search function in the upper right corner of the page. Example Letter for your Senator.

You can find detailed and complete contact information for the U.S. House of Representatives using the zip code search function in the upper left corner of the page. Example Letter for your Representative.

If you would like to compose your own letter, here is a good guide for how to write an effective letter.

President Joseph Biden
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
NW Washington, DC 20500
(202) 456-1111 Comments
(202) 456-1414 Switchboard
(202) 456-2461 FAX
Example Letter for President Obama

Honorable Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA)
Chairman U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions
731 Hart Senate Office Building,
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-3254
(202) 224-9369 FAX
Example Letter for Senator Harkin

Honorable Lamar Alexander
Ranking Member, U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions
455 Dirksen Senate Office Building,
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-4944
(202) 228-3398 FAX
Example Letter for Senator Alexander

The following are involved with the finances of Health Care and their example letters reflect this.

Honorable Ron Wyden
Chairman, U.S. Senate Committee on Finance
211 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
202) 224-5244
(202) 228-2717 FAX
Example Letter for Senator Wyden

Honorable Orrin G. Hatch
Ranking Member U.S. Senate Committee on Finance
104 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
202) 224-5251
(202) 224-6331 FAX
Example Letter for Senator Hatch

Honorable Kevin Brady
Chairman, House Ways and Means subcommittee on Health
301 Cannon Building
Washington, DC 20515
202-226-5524 FAX
Example Letter for Representative Brady

Please send copies of letters or emails that you write to ICAN. We would love to see what you have written and make it available on our website as an encouragement to the people who care about these issues. You can email letters to ICAN’s Advocacy Director. Please give written permission for us to use your letter on our website or in other advocacy related activities.